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Advisory Service

URI invites founders, business leaders and decision makers across businesses and organisations that are keen on investment opportunities in User Research as an integral function for business impact.

Advisory services is a format of workshops and consultation for leadership teams on functional set up in the following areas: 

  • Talent acquisition & growth 

  • Collaboration mechanism and processes

  • Leveraging UR for impact 

We cover growth stage onward startups to mature companies, B2C to B2B and across tech sectors/ industries.

We offer two formats of customised workshop (1-2 days) and consulting (2-4 weeks/ months) across three stages of User Research function: 

Intent stage

Focused on building clarity and confidence on the value, impact and potential RoI of User Research function to help stakeholders build high intent to sustain UR.

Set-up Stage

Helping leadership and team to strategise functional approach, hiring talent, setting up initial processes and goals for UR team’s success in delivering value.

Growth stage

A deep dive workshop into the company's UR function, its current role/ impact and how its value or impact can be increased.

“We had a good consultation experience with the URI team during the pre-intent stage of setting up the UR team at RedBus. We have hired a lead researcher plus a few researchers to initiate product and UX research with teams at Redbus across geographies for actionable user-centric insights.”                                          - Prakash Sangam, CEO, RedBus

Please reach out to us at with the title “Advisory Services/ Company name” for more details about the program. 

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Are you a Product Manager, Designer, Engineer or a Business Manager passionate about user insights? Subscribe and join our virtual and offline events

Are you a Product Manager, Designer, Engineer or a Business Manager passionate about user insights? Subscribe and join our virtual and offline events

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